Diamond Producers Association Announces New Diamond E-Learning Program

It gives retailers the tools and language to become true storytellers.

The Diamond Producers Association announces the launch of a new e-learning program for diamonds, “Behind the Brilliance of Diamonds.” Developed to help all U.S. retailers, the hour-long program – split into three informative modules – offers educational material and quizzes, going beyond the 4Cs to highlight the intangible value of natural diamonds, billion-year-old treasures of the earth.

“The Diamond Producers Association’s e-learning program, ‘Behind the Brilliance of Diamonds,’ offers a clear and concise, open platform for the industry,” said Grant Mobley, DPA’s trade relations lead. “Whether you have been working with diamonds for one day or 20 years, the program relates compelling stories about the history of natural diamonds, easy-to-digest and well-researched facts, and memorable details about the important benefits that the natural diamond industry makes to the world.”

The initial beta launch has yielded positive feedback.

“Getting back to basics, often we get so caught up in the technical aspects of our career that we forget the emotional aspect. Thank you for bringing the reality of relationship-selling back to the forefront,” said Cheryl Worcester of Days Jewelers.

Pierre Soucy of Robert Richer added, “I think this is both a timely and much needed program made easy and readily available for the industry by the DPA. In the past decade the jewelry industry (as a whole) has much neglected relationships between products, partners, and how they relate to the public. This program is a big gesture in bridging that void.”

“The DPA’s e-learning program should be required for everyone that sells diamonds,” said Phillip Bosen of Bosen Associates.

In addition to the training program being free, there are rewards for retail sales people who complete the program. Points are awarded for each module completed and can be redeemed for up to a $25 gift card to one of several popular retailers.

Retail sales associates who complete the program will also be entered to win a grand prize for an all- expenses paid trip for two to New York City. Valued at $4,000, the trip will offer exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the New York diamond industry, including a personal tour of a diamond cutting facility. The drawing will take place in the fall.

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